Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Last Saturday I dropped Emily off at the airport. The second time saying goodbye to her wasn’t any easier than the first, especially after an extremely romantic last night together. All the Ecua-food finally caught up to her and she couldn’t sleep because she was pretty sick. Turns out it was either e. coli or salmonella or something like that. Anyway, after a relatively sleepless night (for me… for her I think it was totally sleepless) we got up early to go to the airport. I was sad to see her go, and she was sad take an intercontinental flight with diarrhea and fever.
After buying a bunch of comfort food and DVDs in the big city, I caught the last bus to Guayzimi. This took even longer than usual, due to three road blocks instead of one, and the fact that the driver made everyone wait for an hour as he took a leisurely dinner break. So on top of being tired I was annoyed. I couldn’t wait to get to my bed and pass out. Apparently, I passed out even before getting into my bed, because the bus helper shook me awake. I was still pretty out of it, so animal instincts kicked in and I judo chopped his hand away. I was embarrassed for a second, and regretted going all Jackie Chan on his ass. Then he asked, “Why didn’t you get off at Guayzimi?” I replied, “Why no awake me to know this?” and wished that I had gone even more Jackie Chan on his ass. So I was in Zurmi, a half an hour bus ride from Guayzimi and my bed. It was 11pm and there were no more buses leaving. So I walked around and tried to find a camioneta to drive me back. None. There were about three people awake at that hour, and I asked them if they had or new anyone with a truck. Nope. Luckily though, one of the women recognized me as a FODI worker, and kicked her son out of his bed to let me sleep there for the night, which turned out to be extremely lucky. If that didn’t happen, my choices would have been to make the 2 or 3 hour trek back to Guayzimi in the middle of the night with a bunch of backs of groceries or sleep on the street.

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