Wednesday, August 20, 2008

hokay, so...

first of all, new photos are up.

I just had my final LPI (language proficiency interview) today, and totally rocked it, so i feel pretty good right now. When i came in, i had no idea how to conjugate verbs, but i looked up the regular present and preterit tenses at the last minute (as is my costume) and therefore barely escaped the begginer level and tested into low level intermediate by the skin of my teeth. I just tested into the lower level advance speaking level, skipping a couple steps and making ¨the biggest jump in recorded history¨. I attribute my success to the fact that i read a lot of english books instead of doing my homework.

couple cool things, i guess.

I did a handstand on teh equator, only to realize it wasn´t the REAL equator...there was a museum and everything!!!

had another dance party in teh pizzeria cum discotechque, only this time the columbian owners took us out to real discos afterwards and professed their love to every girl in our group. they tried to explain that girls in america hang out iwht many guys just as friends without wanting sex. the friendly columbians couldn´t quite grasp this issue. Another strappingly buff young male friend of mine and myslef let them hummiliate themselves and our girlsfriends for fun, but we keep a watchful eye, just in case.

really awesome hike up to some mountain lagoons. really breathtaking views. we hiried a camioneta to take us up this mountain, then we hiked around for a bit then started the 10 mile treck down the mountain. the diahrea and strep throat didn´t help, especially because it was so dusty two of my friends (the mature, married type) wore dust masks.

im starting to really like my host family. i can now laugh with them and have fun, bummer i have to leave in a week!

i slaughtered my first chicken yesterday. I grab it by the neck and slit its throat. slit, meaning i sawed at it with a dull blade. then i yanked out its feathers and cut it open to pull out the entrails (which my family ate). its weird, i never thought about how egs work. they get spit out every day, and the gestation period is like 2 or 3 weeks, so that means that theres about 20 eggs inside a chicken at any given time, at varying levels of development. they range from almost fully developed all teh way down to the smallst which is the size of a grain of rice. obviously these were left in the chicken and cooked along with it. they taste just like regular eggs, my host mom said. i beg to differ.

sorry these blogs are so rushed. in the future, i may have access to a non-payment computer so ill be able to spend more time on my entries.


Mom said...

Chris: Love the pictures! Hope you're doing well in your village.


Mack, V, and Sean said...

Glad to hear things are going well. Hope you had a great birthday and good luck in the Jungle!